October 6-9 2022


"Se Mira Pero No Se Toca, Niña"

Thursday, October 6th at 8 pm
Friday, October 7th at 8 pm
Saturday, October 8th at 8 pm
Sunday, October 9th at 8 pm
Duration: 60 min
Tickets: 12 euros ONLINE // 15 euros TAQUILLA

Thursday, october 6th: after show talk with Christina Schmutz

Creation, performance and direction: Esmeralda Colette
Artistic accompaniment: Irene Hernández, Helena Barba and Gaia Bautista
Technician: Manuel C. Girón
Live music: Joan Torné i Miquel Aguiló
Artifacts: Dani Garcia
Photos, video and projections: Úrsula Comendador
Co-production: Centre Cívic Can Felipa; La Bonne Centre de Cultura de Dones Francesca Bonnemaison and Antic Teatre Espai de Creació via the 4th edition of Bonnescèniques – performance arts residencies offered by the two venues; Esmeralda Colette

Gracias a mi querida «yaya», a mi madre, a mi familia y amigas; a Ernest Pipó y a Joan Torné; a Úrsula Comendador, Irene  Hernández, Gaia Bautista, Helena Barba, Natalia Barraza, Andrea Castells, Dani García, Rut Girona, Uriel Ireland, Manuel C. Girón Expert_777, Yaiza Ares, Josep Casanovas, Albert Zayuelas, Bet Rosell Tinker, Maria Ozonas, Brigitte Vasallo, el CC. Can Felipa, LaBonne, Antic Teatre, LasHuecas y Helena Lumbrera, Alba García Fijo and Santiago Donaire Salido.




Se Mira Pero No Se Toca, Niña is a monologue by multiple voices that seeks to discuss the unresolved losses of war, forced migration, and my capitalist here-and-now. Through the stories of my grandmother and other relatives, I want to orally rewrite history, recovering what was important to my ancestors while uncovering and sharing the secrets that are part of our forgotten collective memory.

I’m a suburban Catalan, daughter of a Galician nurse and an Andalusian painter/decorator, from a large and hard-working family. I have always studied at public school, in a precarious and diverse environment, surrounded by a landscape stagnant from real estate corruption, among cranes, violence, books, abstract paintings and old vinyls.

I trained at the Institut del Teatre, I’ve held a range of different jobs to support myself, I believe in experience as discourse and intuition as elevated knowledge, I sing, write, draw and I am co-creator of theatrical collective LAS HUECAS.

I want to move into the centre from the margins, playing with the limits of theatricality and performance, combining various artistic disciplines such as video and live music, always putting body and text at the service of performative creation; showing myself as both innocent and sinister, neither child nor adult. I want to question the power relations and the dominant narratives of history through ephemeral arts; I propose a performative game capable of unseating that which is serious and conventional with a shameless immoral insouciance, but aware of pain and disasters. I want to question everything from a position of joyful vulnerability, bringing closer the banished and forgotten, provoking and placing the audience in an active role.


Joint call between La Bonne and Antic Teatre to support the creation, dissemination and development of the performing arts

The alliance of spaces promoted by grassroots culture is always necessary, but it is especially in turbulent times when it becomes essential. This is the fourth call for stage residences we have opened, and we want to continue offering open spaces for co-creation for much longer, thus becoming an innovative space and a breeding ground for production and exchange.

That is why we are especially excited to be reunited with the neighborhood community to prepare the call for this year’s stage residencies , which we are preparing with the Antic Teatre – Espai de Creació, an independent Cultural and Social center. with the aim of responding to creators to access workspaces, rehearsals and exhibitions.

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