We go through life as if we were in a constant competition, undergoing a never-ending audition, constantly being assessed. Let me introduce myself, my name is Maria, Jaume, Carmen, Alfredo… I was born on a sunny day, maybe there was a cloud or two… I was born at night and that’s why I’m pursued by shadows… My mother told me it was pouring with rain and the midwife arrived soaking wet… Maybe I am who I am because of the decisions I’ve taken throughout my life, because of the grandparents I had, the day I arrived late to work or the day I got to school really early. Whatever, today I will be myself. I’m here to see whether I’m right for the role, to see if I’ll be selected.
Teatre al Ras, founded in 2015, is the theatre group of the Arrels foundation, and its aim is to create a place for artistic expression where everyone has the chance to give their all. We believe in activities that place everyone on the same level and where everyone is asked to give 100% to achieve a common goal. The group consists of people who live or have lived on the street, workers and volunteers. We work in an environment of trust and respect, where looking after each other is part of the creative process and extends to all aspects of the project. The works presented to date by Teatre al Ras are: L’últim crit (2015) and Verdad, Beso y Acción (2019), both directed by Ivana Miño and, currently, Càsting (2023/2024), directed by Laia Vila.