Co-production 2016


Avistament 1


Direction and performance: Cecilia Colacrai, Mireia de Querol and Anna Rubirola
Light design: Joana Serra
Video and photography: Tristán Pérez Martín

Production: Anna Bohigas

Co-production: Antic Teatre, Festival Sismògraf, El Graner.

With the support of: La Visiva, La Caldera, L’Estruch, L’Animal a l’Esquena, Festival Torino Danza.

Big Bouncers is an artistic collective that brings together three choreographers: Cecilia Colacrai, Anna Rubirola and Mireia de Querol. The Big Bouncers collective develops its own particular language within the field of movement and performance, and combines the creation of pieces for stage and for non-conventional spaces (site specific).

Avistament 1 (Sighting 1) is the first of a series of viewings of Big Bouncers’ new piece O.V.N.I (objectes varis no identificats) and its creation process.

During the “sighting” we invite the audience to observe different aspects of the process that will eventually be incorporated into the piece, and we also invite them to discuss the experience with us.

The title of Big Bouncers’ new project is O.V.N.I (Variuos Non Identifiable Objects), the word for U.F.O in spanish. This piece aims to explore the relations between object/body/context/meaning, revealing the potential shared visions that may emerge from the combination or alteration of these relations.


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