May 12-14, 2022

Assi Weitz / Javier Murugarren

Second chance

Thursday, May 12th at 8 pm
Friday, May 13th at 8 pm
Saturday, May 14th at 8 pm
Duration: 50 min
Tickets: 12 euros ONLINE // 15 euros BOX OFFICE

Concept and performance: Assi Weitz, Javier Murugarren

Dramaturgy and direction assistance: Carmelo Fernández

Photo: Suzy Vilchez

Second Chance (SC) is a performance based on a convulsion of rhythmic grooves, strange movements and sharp texts. A kind of post-folk and unorthodox flamenco punk with flowing free verse and dissident movement. SC is the band that never made it, the dream that never came true. SC creates scenes where absurdity and satire become survival mechanisms while orchestrating a cathartic abandonment of action as a narrative axis; the explosive and frustrating persistence of never arriving at one’s destination.

SC tests the limits between concert and interaction, the stage and language, direct performance and premeditated elaboration to set up another fail, but better this time. 

They live in Amsterdam. Weltz (Austria/Israel – percussion, performer and visual artist) and Murugarren (Euskadi – performer, musician and textile artist) have engaged in several collaborations over the past few years in which live music has been a key element. Their current research consists in questioning to the full the capacities of musical instruments – in this case, drums, voice and body – to provide a flow of movement, action, sound and visual experimentation at the subconscious service of the imagination.

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