Benjamin is a young man destined to become a great doctor, but his first experience at the hospital in which his father works is not what he expected. He will have to face his own limits, those of his patients, their relatives and the rest of the team. In Poland, 1960, Anna is a young novice who, just before taking her vows as a nun, discovers a dark family secret dating from the terrible period of Nazi occupation.
In these current times when more and more movie theatres are being forced to close, ANTIC TEATRE will become, one night a week, ANTIC CINEMA. Thanks to Film2, a project by filmmaker Antonio Dyaz, cinema viewing can happen anywhere there is a projector, a connection to Internet and an audience ready to enjoy the seventh art.
Film2 are providing a new venue for audio-visual exhibition: the T-VOD (Theatrical Video On Demand) whereby any adequately equipped space seating at least 20 can be turned into a cinema for the showing of films in high quality resolution using 4G networks.
The idea is that anyone owning a smartphone or tablet with a USB, HDMI or similar mic outlet (and a suitable projector) can organise a cinema viewing and charge admission, always when royalty and copyright dues are respected.
Tickets can be bought only via Internet and the system automatically divides the amount of each transaction between the Screener, the owner of the film (producer), the copyright management organisation and Film2 are providing a new venue for audio-visual exhibition: the T-VOD (Theatrical Video On Demand) whereby any adequately equipped space seating at least 20 can be turned into a cinema for the showing of films in high quality resolution using 4G networks. The idea is that anyone owning a smartphone or tablet with a USB, HDMI or similar mic outlet (and a suitable projector) can organise a cinema viewing and charge admission, always when royalty and copyright dues are respected. Tickets can be bought only via Internet and the system automatically divides the amount of each transaction between the Screener, the owner of the film (producer), the copyright management organisation and Film2. .