Antic Teatre's 19th anniversary
April 23rd 2022



Saturday, April 23rd at 6 pm

At 7 pm, Galante will sign MEDIANTE at the bar.
Duration: 60 min
Tickets: Free with reservation here

MEDIANTE –Book launch and a show by Adriano Galante

Voice, guitars, set and sound: Adriano Galante  

With Andrea Soto Calderón, Javier Gallego ‘Crudo’, Sara Fontán and others.
Different artists will read extracts from the book at various times throughout the show. 

Accompanists: Sara Serrano, Marc Vilanova, Andrea Soto Calderón 

With the support of Arrebato Libros and Konvent Puntzero


MEDIANTE is the 18th volume of a work by Adriano Galante that he began writing well before he started singing. This first chapter in the Preposicionarse series (2006-2029) will be released in April 2022 by publishers Arrebato Libros, at the same time as a show based on the text of the book, soundscapes, voice and body interventions, and a number of songs where Galante sings in Spanish for the first time and explores musical forms new to him, accompanied by the musical ear and skills of different artists as producers: Judit and Meritxell Neddermann, Sara Fontán, B1N0, and Joana Gomila and Laia Vallés. On April 23 at Antic Teatre, Adriano will present MEDIANTE, sing some songs and share some aspects of the creative process for the show that will premiere for Barcelona’s Setmana de Poesia on May 15th. 

Adriano Galante is a singer, founder, and musician of the sound action, performance and free singing collective Seward. Seward, who have been around for more than 12 years, are known for understanding music as a way to explore their own limits, from the way they write and play songs to their way of being on stage, recording, editing and distributing their records. In addition, Galante has opened the group to other disciplines with artists such as Jordi Oriol, Adriana Vila, Javier Gallego Crudo or Núria Giménez Lorang. Since 2005, Galante has developed his career and found his place at the intersection between collective creation, interdisciplinary interpretation, critical thinking, community management, and artistic curatorship; he has promoted and formed part of a variety of spaces, cultural events and theatre, dance, music and performance companies such as Konvent, Artists At Risk, BAM Cultura Viva and No Callarem, among others. Most recently, in 2021 Adriano premiered the performative conference Entrar a vivir at Teatre Lliure of Barcelona, and in February 2022 co-created Demoledora, sharing the stage with David Climent (

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