Co-production 2021

Adeline Flaun


Duration: 85 min


27-30/05 | Antic Teatre (Barcelona)


Produced by ACT’IN MATNIK in collaboration with ALMARADAS

Writer, director and performer: Adeline Flaun
Lighting design: Félix Gane
Music and sound design: Clara Aguilar
3D Avatars, interfaces and poster: Saïdou Bernabé / Parallel14 Studio
Videos: Yannis Sainte-Rose
Sets: Kanet & Jean-Marc Bullet
Wardrobe: Jesús Cobos
Stage direction assistant: Alexandra Déglise
Choreographies: Adeline Flaun
Movement assistant: Nina Uyà
Translation to Catalan: Jaume Muñoz
Photo courtesy for the poster: Josep Tobella

Co-productions: Tropiques Atrium Scène Nationale de Martinique, Collectivité Territoriale de Martinique, Direction des Affaires Culturelles de Martinique (Ministère de la Culture – France), Etc Caraïbe, Antic Teatre

Arts Residencies: Tropiques Atrium, Antic Teatre, Etc Caraïbe

Partners: Festival Oui de théâtre en français de Barcelone, Fàbrica de Creació Nau Ivanow and Ateneu La Flor de Maig de Poblenou


After a socio-political crisis, a small island experiences a systemic break with the PKs, the big food producers and distributors, who have held a monopoly on the local economy up to that point. In the middle of this societal restructuring, a high number of women overcome their financial straits by providing their voices for the avatars of an encrypted online sexual services programme: e-International Venus. Who is behind this new activity that’s causing a recrudescence in world prostitution?

A one-woman show in which self-fiction gives a personal meaning to this class struggle, where hypersexualisation is the political instrument of the oppressing class and the alienation model that needs to be fought most urgently.

Adeline Flaun is a Franco-Caribbean artist who has been developing her career in Barcelona since 2005. Co-founder of the Catalan company ALMARADAS with Sonia Espinosa, and now with the French-Caribbean company ACT’IN MATNIK, she produces projects with social concerns or giving voice to minorities and to the diversity of local or international social and cultural realities. In her work, Adeline aims to promote the multiculturalism of the theatrical and cinematographic worlds she inhabits. Influenced by her artistic journey, she enjoys mixing a physically realistic approach with audiovisual images loaded with symbolism or documentary data. One of the recurring themes of her writing is the individual struggling to escape from under the yoke of society.



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