Actions of Resistance presents the dystopia of a possible future society, where being born, living, working, and dying become just so many more items of commercial exchange. The show blends documentary creation with the set and the text, creating a post-dramatic atmosphere somewhere between reality and fiction.
Actions of Resistance is a critique as well as a reflection on the uncertainty we are all subject to, and the kind of economic system we inhabit and encourage to grow. It is a critique of the commercial order by means of four acts of resistance: giving birth, walking, not producing and dying. In a society guided by capital, resistance to the imposed rules can help to create mutual bonds between us.
Susana Barranco is a director, performance and audiovisual creator, actor and author. She formed the Susanna Barranco Company in 1999, creating such notable works as Estridencias, Mordiscos, El amor no duele and Demasiado tarde para ser pesimista. As an actress and performer she has worked with Marcel·lí Antúnez in the past and is currently working with Marta Galán on the show El dinero, el deseo, los derechos. In 2008 she founded audiovisual production company La Barranco Films, which has gone on to create and produce documentary films Heridas (2009), Vacíos (2011), El silencio del Junco (2013), Caer del nido (2015), Teresa Rebull, alma desterrada (2016), Desnudas (2017) and De rodillas corazón (2019).