Mos Maiorum is a documentary theater play based on the Verbatim* technique. An scenic device that transports directly the audience to both sides of the border witnessing themselves and knowing in first hand the testimony and the main characters of this forgotten conflict. All the appearing characters in the play are real and were recorded by Mos Maiorum team on different travels to Melilla, Nador, Tangier and Ceuta, as well as in Barcelona and Malaga.
*Verbatim: Trough interview and sound recordings a dramaturgy is created. The players just reproduce as truly as they can, with every pause, accent, imperfection and tone, creating a truthfulness feeling. It diffuses the actors and brings the testimony right into the scene.
Ireneu Tranis, Mariona Naudin and Alba Valldaura are performance creators. All three trained in Physical Theatre at Barcelona’s Institut de Teatre. Professionally, each has created solo work as well as performing for other directors and choreographers. Now they are getting together for the first time to present this common project.