July 25th 2020

Juana Dolores Romero Casanova


Saturday, July 25th at 12am
Duration: 60 min
Free entrance

Free (prior reservation required via info@llibreriacalders.com)

Organzed by Llibreria Calders and Antic Teatre



Bijuteria (Jewellery) is Juana Dolores Romero Casanova’s first poetry anthology: a compendium of love poems in conversation with names, sex, and class. And with God.

«Vós, Senyor, que m’heu concedit els misteris del Jo | i la seva carn / i el seu verb. Vós, Senyor, | que heu fet robins i safirs de tots els meus pecats, | compadiu-vos d’aquest desitjar el Món amb ventre | de dona: profetitzo – també / Jo / profetitzo» (”You , Lord, who have given me the mysteries of the Self / and its flesh / and its word. You, Lord, / who have turned all my sins into rubies and sapphires / have mercy on this desire for the World / I feel with my woman’s belly: I prophesy – I / also / prophesy”).

Juana Dolores Romero Casanova (1992, El Prat de Llobregat) is the daughter of Andalusian immigrants to Catalonia. She is founder and co-ordenator of cybernetic device @HYBRIS.VIRAL through which, together with artist Sandy Moldavia, she develops curatorships. She has directed, performed, and written # J U A N A D O L O R E S # * massa diva per a un moviment assembleari * (2019) and * HIT ME IF I’M PRETTY * o Vladimir Maiakovski es va suïcidar per amor (2020).

She also tackles the limits of video and poetry, as can be seen in her latest audiovisual piece LIMPIEZA (2020). She has just been awarded the 56th Amadeu Oller prize for Catalan poetry for her anthology Bijuteria.

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