7th February


Teaser from the documentary Poble Rebel + discussion

Documen- tary
Tuesdat 7th Febreruary - 20:00
Duration: 30 min
Free entrance

Documentary based on the testimony of:
Ferran Aguiló, Iñaki García and Juanito Piquete: Freedom movements of the 1970s
Josep Musté and Carles Benítez: Members of Terra Lluire (Free Land)
Ni Muts ni a la Gàbia. (Neither mute nor in a cage)
Assemblea No a la MAT de Fellines. (No to the MAT assembly of Fellines)
PAHC Bages.
Sindicat Popular de Venedors Ambulants. (Travelling Salespeople Popular Union)
Xarxa Antirepressiva de Familiars de Detingudes. (Antirepressive Network of Detained People’s Families)
Rubén, Gadae y Jordi: Condenados por Aturem el Parlament. (Condemned for Stop Parliament)
Quim Gimeno: Detenido en la operación Pandora II. (Detained during operation Pandora II)
Edu: Imputado a través de ficheros fantasma. (Charged through the use of ficticious files)
Títeres desde Abajo. (Underdog Puppets)
Ajuntament de Viladamat. (Viladamat Town Hall)
Jesús Rodríguez y Anna Celma: La Directa.
Campaña Justicia Juan Andrés. (Juan Andrés Justice Campaign)
Anna Gabriel, Josep Garganté, Núria Güell, Enric Duran y Josep Pàmies.

Damià Puig: Direction, production, script and photography
Sergi Fàbregas: Editing, production, script and sound track
Tomás Navarro and Daniel Soms: Graphic design and animation
Enric Barba, Oriol Díez and Manel Muntaner: Cameras
ARPEX: Sound post-production
Laura “Pimen” Humet: Promotion and Community management.
Elm Puig: Correction and editing of texts.
Ferran Aguiló: Content advisor.
Amelia Burke: English translations and distribution.
Anna Coll: Production management

There exists a dissident and combative Catalunya, which resists and survives beneath the official storyline. It is a Catalunya where disobedience, dissidence or self-organization in the face of poverty have been palpable… just as the mode of repression in order to eradicate it has been palpable. “Rebels”, a full-length documentary, sets out to investigate, with a zoom lens fixed onto the last four decades. Beginning in 1974 with the assassination of Salvador Puig Antich, to see the struggles of here and now, analyzing the political, economic, social and cultural context. We encompass the whole situation, in order to understand how and why social movements have arisen, grown and organized themselves.

Independent production

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